Roller Coaster
Things have been rather up and down since my last post here, but first I need to note something. I haven’t updated because I’ve been very nauseated lately, and screen time on an iPad, phone or computer...
View ArticleFoodie, Inc.
My new treatment is fascinating. As I understand it, it’s basically a form of gene therapy that works on the mutation my cancer has (not me. I don’t have the genetic mutation, so it’s not anything that...
View ArticleGoing Home Again
The plan is for me to transition home today from hospice to in-home palliative care. I can’t wait to be home! There will be a lot to figure out, but it will be so worth it. We are asking for no...
View ArticleWhat a difference a day makes
Yesterday, I spent most of the day trying to get my meds all in a row. Today, I got to reap the benefits of all that hard work. In fact, I felt so well, I was able to take a little excursion into...
View ArticleUpson Downs*
I was supposed to have a port placed and a PET scan done last week, but I was a total dodo head and forgot to fast (HOW many of these have I done? How could I forget?). So those ones had to be scrapped...
View ArticleRadiation News
So this coming week will see my last 3 days of whole brain radiation (M-W). It has been the “easiest” of my treatments so far in the sense that it requires no pokes, injections or really any bodily...
View ArticleThe Power of Science and Prayers
For once, some good news! My oncologist called me and told me that nearly all of my mets had shrunk and were looking better! Even the brain mets, which means that the Keytruda is working on them...
View ArticleBody Image
Cancer has changed a lot of things about me, including my body (no surprise there, I’m sure). It’s not just the expected things, like losing my hair, but so many other things as well. You know your...
View ArticleOn My Own
Peter and Emmie left for Michigan on the train on Friday, leaving me all alone for the next week-ish. So far, I have not been the most productive person in the world with my time, but it’s been good....
View ArticleWhere to even begin?
I honestly don’t even know where to start, other than we could NOT keep my pain under control at home, so I got another round at the ER. Whee! Once admitted to the hospital (because of course I was...
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